IDC seminar: Datathons – An Experience Report of Data Hackathons for Data Science Education

IDC seminar: Datathons – An Experience Report of Data Hackathons for Data Science Education

Dr. Craig Anslow (Middlesex University)

craig-anslowLarge amounts of data are becoming increasingly available through open data repositories as well as companies and governments collecting data to improve decision making and efficiencies. Consequently there is a need to increase the data literacy of computer science students. Data science is a relatively new area within computer science and the curriculum is rapidly evolving along with the tools required to perform analytics which students need to learn how to effectively use. To address the needs of students learning key data science and analytics skills we propose augmenting existing data science curriculums with hackathon events that focus on data also known as datathons. In this paper we present our experience at hosting and running four datathons that involved students and members from the community coming together to solve challenging problems with data from notfor-profit social good organizations and publicly open data. Our reported experience from our datathons will help inform other academics and community groups who also wish to host datathons to help facilitate their students and members to learn key data science and analytics skills.

This is a practice for the talk that Craig will give at the SIGCSE 2016 Conference:


Craig Anslow is a senior postdoc fellow working on the FP7 VALCRI project.


Kai Xu

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