IDC seminar (3 Nov) – Collaboration on and interaction with models of socio-technical processes

IDC seminar (3 Nov) – Collaboration on and interaction with models of socio-technical processes

Dr. Alexander Nolte, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany

Alexander NolteThe design of socio-technical processes requires the collaboration of multiple stakeholders from different domains. These stakeholders are familiar with the domain and process in question but they are usually not familiar with modeling notations or with methods of model elicitation. It is thus necessary for them to seek help by modeling experts who support them in using a modeling notation to elicit processes in a structured way. The goal of my research is to overcome this bottleneck. During my talk I will present an easy to use modeling notation as well as supporting tools and approaches that allow stakeholders to use models collaboratively in a self-directed way. One major part of this are touch interfaces on large interactive display walls.


Alexander Nolte is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department Information and Technology Management at the Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany. His research focuses on business process management, collaborative modeling and human computer interaction. His work has been published in various journals as well as national and international conferences.

Kai Xu

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